Sunday, September 18, 2011

On the Big Isle part 3...

So in the midst of my nap,

My celly blew up, and it was another one of my good friends from college.  "What you up to?  I'm gonna kidnap you and we're gonna hit it to Kalapana."  My reply was a simple, "We're on!"  Haha, so that's exactly what we did.  So we headed on over to the country side of Kalapana, a nice and calm place, we're talking no huge buildings, no cars, no traffic, which was nice for a change.  For those of you unfamiliar with the area, Kalapana is famous for the huge lava flow that took over the area.  Jus' a side note, through foreigner eyes, one would call that devistation, through Native eyes, we call it creation, word.

My friend showed me around, crib n all, which is very simplistic.  My friend also lives a pretty clean and earth friendly life out there in Kalapana, with electricity generating solar panels, ice packed coolers (versus refrigerators), and a personal garden where fresh veggies are grown and harvested as needed.  I was hella impressed.  We went walking around the area, and I snapped a few more pics.

Old Kalapana lava flow...

Red 'ohi'a lehua tree...

On the way to the beach...

Black (yes black) sand beach...

After coming from the beach, my friend and I met up with another good friend of ours, now a college lecturer, who conicidentally was bringing her students to Kalapanaas part of their class.  So her students went to the beach with some guest speakers (also friends of mine) and she stayed back at the main gathering area, being that she's expecting.  So that gave us a good window to catch up and talk story at the Kalapana bar/pub.

So after that was all done, her students came back and my friend had them do their speeches as part of her class, entirely in Hawaiian.  Man, it was so good to be immersed in that.  After that was done, everyone left, and I wished my friend a safe journey back to Hilo with her students.

So by then it was dinner, and my friend and I along with yet another one of my friends (haha) jumped in my friend's truck and headed on over to Pahoa Town for some Thai food.   Oh man, their food was so super good, I'm craving it now as we speak.

After dinner was done it was pretty late and it was time to head back home to my friend's place.  So I hopped in the back of her truck and back to Hilo we went.  Man, I can't remember when was the last time I rode in back of a truck, but it was super good to be breathing fresh clean crisp air with the wind breezing by, with the moon glowing over Pahoa Town as we were departing there, hella awesome.

When we got home, my friend's husband (also my friend haha) had just gotten home from work in his new Nissan Leaf car, which runs entirely on electricity.  I got to ride in that bad boy, and it's unreal how super quiet it is.  But ya, if you look in the front of the car, there's an area where you plug in and charge, super sick.

So came Sunday, it was time for me to head back to reality, after one awesome weekend on Hawai'i Island.  Man I can't wait to go back again.

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