Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pancho is back...

Pancho is hands down one of my fav artists. You have to see his work up close and personal to truly understand the level of detail in his work. The subject of his work varies from Asian influences, superheros, whimsey and imagination, just to name of a few. But whatever the case, Pancho's work has a nice urban n street feel to it, which I personally appreciate.

One of his classic characters is his Dinokid, a hybrid of a dinosaur and an urbran street kid. 

Pancho's Dinokid was recently brought back to life, after being in hiding, at a recent show here in Hawai'i.

I'll be featuring more of Pancho's work, he's been sending me some of his classic and recent work, so be sure to check my blog out for the latest.

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